Naturalbabydol, Fox Empire
Media Girl

Empire Season Finale 1: Family & Enemy Reunions, Murder, Sex & Revenge!

Did you all see the Season Finale? It took me a week to recover from the season finale! The show had me flipping throw hola hoops and basketball racks. I just couldn’t get over the fact that Lucious was actually upset because after Cookie had served almost 20 years for her family he had the nerve to get upset when she gave Malcolm her cookies. I mean really after he has probably had thousands of women and lets not even get on the fact that he had Boo Boo Kitty’s high yellow ass laying up in Cookie’s house! Needless to say that dude was piss no thanks to Porsha running her big ass mouth so if you ask me she should have been the one who got the boot! Is she really needed on the show? Cut her check!  Lucious gets all caught up in his feeling and kicks Cookie out of Empire and takes her off of his comeback concert branding. Go Figure! Punk Move! It’s very apparent that the Empire writers are only going to allow this romance with Cookie and Malcolm to be a very short one because he has taken a government job in D.C. so that’s it for him. He was a one season hit wonder. Bye Malcolm!

Naturalbabydol, Fox Empire

We also find out in the season finale that Lucious doesn’t have ALS which I mentioned in a previous post of mine which we should have known once the show was picked up for a second season right after the second show. Yes the show is just that dang on good! We see Lucious Doctor come in to pay him an in home/office visit and he learns that he doesn’t have ALS the Gods could only be so kind to such an evil man but fortunate for him he received a pass and he shall live on. The doctor prescribes him some meds that will help him sleep which also make him hallucinate in his sleep and he starts to see Bunkie. Cookie walks in and learns that he is responsible for her cousin’s death and almost wants to suffocate Lucious be doesn’t do it. I guess she did want to serve anymore time.

Naturalbabydol, Fox Empire

There were so many twist and turns in the season finale my mind was on 1,000 and my voice was gone within the first hour from screaming because Empire was just giving us so much all at one dam time. Lucious calls a family meeting and blesses the family with gifts and perhaps the most anticipated gift is the throne to the kingdom which he gives to Jamal because Jamal all of a sudden became Mr. Wanna Kill A Joker! Lucious asked Jamal to go get his masters from Boretti but I guess he didn’t think that Jamal had the juice, not only did Jamal have the juice but Jamal was about to toss Boretti’s old ass over the balcony. When Lucious saw the look in his sons eye’s he knew then homosexual or not that Jamal was his keeper and air to the Empire Throne.

Naturalbabydol, Fox Empire


Jamal told his father to go and get Hakeem but Lucious got more than he bargained for when he walked in on his youngest son screwing Anika. I can only imagine what was going through Lucious’s head. We all know that Boo Boo Kitty no matter what will never be welcome back into the Empire Family again so we now know how her character will continue to take a turn for the worst. She will slowly transition into the villainous character that she always was from the beginning.

Naturalbabydol, Fox Empire


Uncle Vernon gets out of rehab and pays Andre’s crazy ass a visit which proves to be a really bad choice because Rhonda ends up killing him after she returns to find that he and Andre have been brawling with one another. I was sad to see Uncle Vernon leave so soon although in my opinion his role wasn’t really that important just as Porsha’s and Raven’s role are not and should be eliminated as well but we will have to wait until next season. So what I found really crazy with the writing of this scene is Andre wants to report the death but Rhonda pops up pregnant and uses that against Andre. Hmmm….  Andre I think that its time to get rid of her as well. It’s interesting how they threw that in the plot. Weird!

naturalbabydol, Fox Empire

Perhaps the most talked about scene of the night was when Cookie, Andre, Anika & Hakeem all come together in attempts for a hostile takeover and Cookie finally whips Boo Boo Kitty’s ass. I will give Anika 5 points for attempting to hold it down but Cookie beat that ass and dropped her pearls all over the floor. She tore that ass up on the pool table.

Naturalbabydol, Fox Empire

There was so much going on in the season finale! Whew! I was even confused on how Jennifer Hudson went from saved church girl to being grinded up on stage with Juicy J while in the back dressing room Jamal has a fatherly talk with his father where he learns that his fathers real name is Dwight Walker. Really Lucious? So the Lyons name is all a dam lie? And you’re an orphan? The Tasha Mac Page sums the entire season in one video:


What will season two hold for us? I am sure that Mr. Daniels has all sorts of creative ideas up his sleeves. Hopefully the Universe will bless me with a walk on role. See you on Empire next season!


Photo Credit: Fox


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