The latest book that I had the pleasure of reading was The Love List: A Guide to Getting Who You Want written by Elena Murzello. The Love List touches on the point of having a list for the characteristics that you seek in a love interest. The book resonated with me. I can recall once upon a time I had a love list, granted I was in my senior year of high school and wishing that special someone would magically appear and it never happened. I settled. It’s no secret that I have been married twice and the first marriage was definitely no comparison to the love list that I once wished upon. The second marriage was closer to the list but the fact remains that since I was older and more mature my list had changed drastically. The problem was I hadn’t realized it until that relationship was over. Which leads me to Elena’s novel, TheLove List.
Elena makes the point very clear in her novel about why you need the list. She states “with a list, you might not stray from your must-haves” (Murzello, 2014). Perhaps you didn’t get her point. Its simple, when you go out shopping for ingredients for a special meal what’s the one thing that you always do to ensure that you don’t forget anything? You create a list. Creating the list allows you to purchase exactly what you need and nothing more! Get It! She states that “when you have a list, the choices are clear and concise” (Murzello, 2014). Speaking from experience I should have stuck to my list. Perhaps if I had paid more attention to the things that I didn’t want I would have saved a lot of heartache.
Personally, after finding myself divorced for the second time, unemployed at the time and left to raise three kids as a single women the rules of the love game changed dramatically. I found that after four or more years finding the perfect love was not of interest to me any longer. I decided to use that time to rediscover who I was and focus on me. Fast-forward to 2015 and I am reading the Love List and Dang! I am ready to brush up my list. The Love List novel couldn’t have come at a better time for me. The personal love stories that Elena shares showcases that we all think that we are in love and many times are wrong and make mistakes. The novel also teaches us that there is love at first sight as you will discover from the amazing love stories that she shares from women that she interviewed. Honestly now that I am open to Love again the novel lead me to create a new love list and only time will tell what the future has in store for me. I highly recommend purchasing a copy. I especially love that she included notes sections at the end of the book, that way you can simply create your list. Genius! The Love List serves as a constant reminder that we should not and do not have to settle just because we feel alone or pressured to be in a relationship. Create your list, step out on faith, enjoy a date, pop some bubbly and in the end……Just Be Happy!