Hey Love Bugs! I’m back with another great book to add to your library. I’m all about positive vibes and showing my gratitude to God and those around me who support me. I had the opportunity to take a few weeks and really dig into “My Pocket Gratitude”. The books walks you through practicing being grateful everyday with a few quick and inspiring exercises to express gratitude for yourself, others, and circumstances in your daily life.

The book is broken down into six chapter: Exercises To Cultivate Self-Gratitude, Express To Cultivate Gratitude Toward Your Body, Exercised To Cultivate Gratitude For Others, Express To Cultivate Gratitude For Your Past And Present, Exercises To Cultivate Gratitude For Your Surroundings and Exercises To Cultivate Gratitude In Difficult Times. There’s a chapter included to walk you through many stages and transitions of life.
Gratitude is a powerful tool that aids in transforming any negative situations by adding a positive perspective and makes otherwise ordinary moments even better by reminding its readers to always savor the experience. The book includes a 150 exercises that you can do at home, in your office or in the park. In fact as I began to allow this book to work on my behalf I began to start to notice simple little things around me, I noticed that my positivity went up a few notches and I began to adore the blessings that God had placed before me that seemed like the norm for my lifestyle.
One example from the book that stands out to me is saying “Thank You” to yourself. Like seriously? How many times have you THANKED YOURSELF? Zero for me until after I read this book. It’s so important to “THANK YOURSELF”. You’re amazing so why not thank yourself!

It’s so many benefits that you can reap from gratitude: improve your self esteem, sleep better, inspire others and the overall enhanced sense of well-being by shifting your attitude towards a more grateful mindset. You will definitely discover so many ways to start living with more intention, awareness, appreciation and gratitude.
Courtney E. Ackerman is a researcher and author. She has a master’s degree in positive organizational psychology and evaluation from Claremont Graduate University in California. When she’s not working, she’s usually spending time with her dogs, reading a book, visiting a nearby winery, or playing video games with her husband.