Stacey Abrams, the top Democrat in Georgia’s General Assembly, who also is a rising star among racing for the U.S. governor’s mansion next year. The sharp 43-year-old former romance novelist is making history with her newest venture formally announces her candidacy in the Georgia this month. We saw history made with President Barack Obama twice and now we must join forces again to ensure that we see the nation’s first African American Female Governor and Georgia’s very first black executive. Nationwide, there are literally only two female Democratic governors and its up to us to get out to our neighborhoods, community and the polls to create a change.
Abrahams kicked off in Albany, GA a few weeks ago and in Atlanta, GA on last week. This week she brought her campaign to Savannah, GA A.K.A “The Low Country”. The community which also happens to be my hometown was very welcoming and there was an overwhelming flow of support for her. A slight overlook in my schedule resulted in me missing the event on last week and it was very important for me to be apart of this monumental moment that took place on yesterday here in Savannah.
As Abrams took the stage on yesterday she engaged us with her authentic story. Abrams walked us through a vivid story of her upbringing in poverty in Gulfport, Mississippi and her parents dedication to ensuring that their kids received an education which has led her to the decision to center education as a forefront issue in her campaign. She plans to develop “bold and ambitious children” in Georgia, “who will be able to thrive and not merely survive”, by expanding pre-kindergarten to 3-year-olds and guaranteeing that “everyone goes to the 13th and 14th grades” through free technical college.
Abrams moved the crowd of supporters with an authentic story about her father walking home, miles from work on night on a rainy night and how her mother would wake them, load them up in the car and set out to look for him. Her mother would have the car because she needed it to transport the kids back and forth to school. One night, they found her father walking in the cold rain without his coat. Her mother asked her father where was his coat and he responded, that he’d given it to a man without one. Her father told her mother “that man didn’t have anyone coming for him, and I knew you all were coming for me.”
Those in attendance supporting Abrams were Lisa Ring (Up for Congressional Representative for the 1st District of Georgia), Carl Gilliard (State Representative) and James Jay (Board of Commissioners Board Member)
I urge you to join Stacey Abrams as we all work diligently to turn Georgia BLUE! You can start right now by signing up and donating by clicking HERE!