

Happy Wednesday! Whoot! Whoot! You all already know that the countdown has begun.   I have been up all morning! I had breakfast with the kids before I watched my 11-year old leave for his camping trip and now its time for me to pack my bags for………………..THAT’S RIGHT!!! It’s BLOGALICIOUS TIME BABY!  That’s right all roads lead to San Antonio …

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Blogalicious: What I learned on Day Three

If you are new to blogging then Blogalicious is indeed one of the conferences that you should attend. I realize that there are thousands of conferences all over the world but this one is the first multi-cultural conference geared toward bloggers. Although this was my first year I learned a wealth of knowledge. The past two days were filled with …

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Blogalicious Five Day Two Recap

On Day Two I was excited to see what lessons were in store for us as we all ate breakfast together and then shortly thereafter heading back upstairs to patiently await the life long lessons we would receive on our second day. To my surprise I was excited to hear Amy Dubois-Barnett, Ebony Magazine Editor-In-Chief. I was especially excited because …

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Blogalicious Five Day One Recap

I have had a series of events, conferences and shows since my last post and I am just getting around to doing my recap. So let’s get to it! This was my first time attending Blogalicious. I found out about it from conducting a search in attempts to find classes to take on blogging. If you know me then you …

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