1 Crochet Style Turned into a 3-N-1 Protective Style
Hey Beauties! Have you all stepped outside and felt this crazy ass weather? Whew! One day its warm and then the next it’s a threat of snow flurries. Which leads me to believe that Mother Nature just doesn’t want me to be GREAT! See I was thinking about getting my hair blown out for a spell during the winter months but that’s definitely not going to happen so I made the decision to continue to wear protective styles until at least April which will mark a full year since I decided to cut my hair off in a cute little style. In case your interested in that experience click HERE. I then decided that I would venture on a years journey of strictly protective styles.
I’m sure that you all know by now that I absolutely adore my big hair! Let’s just say for me…THE BIGGER THE BETTER! I’m sure that Kendra gets tired of me always asking for BIG HAIR. Hey! What can I say? She always comes through. So this particular style wasn’t intended on actually being a 3-N-1 styles. Listen! This super cute Kima Kalon held her own! This baby gave me LIFE! This style was a hold over for a few weeks while she works on my next style so I had a crazy idea to implement two styles into one which at the time sounded great but after a day of wearing it…Kendra made me aware that it seemed like a similar style that she had created for me so of course this one had to go so hence that how it became a multiple style. Are you ready for STYLE #1?
The ponytail/bantu knots have had extension hair added to them for the effect but check out how they look with my natural stretched hair once I take the extensions down.
Please disregard the grays. I’ve had them since I was little. They are finally really breaking through. LOL! Hey ya girl got some length since my April cut!
Ayeee!!! Let’s get on to STYLE #2. Listen when I tell you that my girl Kendra can GET DOWN on some hair….Ya’ll better believe it! COME THROUGH with the TRIBAL BRAID DESIGN!
Please disregard my crazy looking pictures. Sometimes it’s not possible to capture the best images all of the time…..well in real life it would normally take me hours to get the perfect image but not in this case. Just look into my beautiful brown eyes! Aren’t they BEAUTIFUL!
ARE YOU READY FOR LOOK #3? Did I mention that the reason there even is a third look is because I had a TOP SECRET meeting on last week and Kendra had to redo the top of my hair.
DRUM ROLL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What did I say? My girl Kendra comes through every time! If you see me out and about you will definitely always see me modeling a creative protective style by Kendra. Book your appointment today!