
Six Travel Tips with Kids when traveling by Car

Six Travel Tips with Kids when traveling by Car

If you’re a traveling mom like myself then you probably have kids that are always on the go too. The weather is finally getting warm and the season of Summer Travel will be upon us.  I thought that  I would share a few tips that I learned over the years from my travel adventures with my little travel companions.

1. Plan for many restroom stops! Unless you limit their drinking during the road trip which is highly unlikely. I normally just plan for frequent stops for stretching legs, restroom breaks and mini playtime.


2. Pack plenty of Snacks:  When traveling  I always pack a small cooler of  snacks: apples, peanut butter for dipping, orange slices, yogurt tubes, water, trail mix and popcorn.



3. Create a Road Trip Travel Pack for your kids. My Travel packs normally include: coloring book, crossword puzzle, crayons, pencils, books for reading, notepad for counting license plates and signs, puzzles and mobile video games.



4. Allow your child to create their “Travel Pack: This allows your child to grab one small backpack and fill it with all of the items that she or he wished to bring along with them on the road trip. I have boys so theirs is always filled with Hot Wheel Cars, Spiderman, Superman…Well you get the idea!



5. Always pack an emergency kit. Kids can get sick at anytime or have accidents. Its important to always pack a small, accessible kit to counteract these situations. Some things that I include:  change of clothes, trash bags, hand sanitizer, flushable baby wipes and a first aid kit.


6. Make a trip kid-friendly playlist. Pandora is a great free station you can utilize by connecting it to your car system or prepare songs that your kids will enjoy.




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