
HOPE IN A BOX Inspirational Items

Have you heard of H.O.P.E In A Box?

It stands for Hang On Pray Every Day and is owned by Romans 12 LLC. Romans 12 LLC was founded on the idea that all of us, some time or another, suffer with daily challenges, difficulties, or crisis in our lives. It is during these times, that we might need a reminder of God’s presence and His plan for us. The H.O.P.E. (Hang On Pray Everyday) line of products and gift boxes have been developed to remind us to ‘HANG ON’ to the promises made by God in scripture: that He will meet our needs (Phil 4:19), how He is with us and will help us (Isaiah 41:10), how He is our Rock, Salvation, Defense, and Fortress (Psalm 62:6) and to ‘PRAY EVERYDAY’ to Christ who loves us, so that He can lovingly guide us in this challenging time.


I at many times have had that moment of second guessing myself or feeling like everything is going wrong and wondering is there any hope. I often turn to scriptures or inspirational books for motivation during these difficult times and for many of us the constant reminder is sometimes a saving grace. I was sitting at my computer finalizing a few post and working some task for a few clients when I received a package and it was right on time. As I opened my package I noticed the H.O.P.E. Logo Ceramic White Coffee Mug which is perfect for my tea. I am what one would call a tea addict and I also collect mugs so not only is this one inspirational and encouraging but is also motivational. Once I unwrapped my mug, gave her a once over wash I quickly grabbed my favorite tea for “Tea Time”. As I sipped on my tea I headed over to their website and noticed that they had a host of inspirational products that included t-shirts, wrist bands, jewelry, hats and iPad cases to name a few.

Every morning when I look at my H.O.P.E. mug I am encouraged and inspired to be my best and to continuous stay in prayer. I was so inspired that I ordered a few mugs for my sister and aunts.

So when life is challenging, when life is difficult or when life just happens… Inspire someone with HOPE IN A BOX!


I would love to hear your thoughts!