Social Media Influencers around the world can all be found with their favorite gadgets at hand in fact if you’ve ever entered a restaurant, boutique store or event and noticed an individual taking pictures of the oddest things then nine times out of ten their probably an Social Media Influencer. The month of June has been filled with laughter, DIY activities. travel adventures with the kids, gardening ups and downs and a host of events. I suddenly found myself draining my cell phone battery from tons of posting, accumulating countless miles on vehicles and in the need for my tripod when trying to capture the perfect shot when my mini social media team was off rock climbing or playing dare-devil.
I wanted to share with you my top four social media must have’s that have been an amazing help to my brand this month.
1. Coolpad Arise Smart Phone – ScratchWireless is the only cell phone service provider that provides free cell phone service. No Gimmicks! No Tricks! When you’re on Wi-Fi, you get free unlimited talk, text and data. This is just the type of service that I need especially with the rising cell phone cost. My Coolpad provides me all the options of any smart phone and the picture quality is amazing!
2. Selfie On A Stick- Have you ever been to an event and want to take the perfect selfie? The Selfie On A Stick is the hottest gadget on the market. Celebrities, Talk Show Host and Social Influencers around the world are being seen carrying their Selfie Sticks around as they take their selfies, usies and even videos. These amazing trending gadgets come wired and Bluetooth so they can be used with ease.
3. Vehicle Mileage Book- This can be purchased at Walmart and is a great tool for a social media influencer or consultant. This is a must have for me because it helps me keep track of my mileage especially with the millions of miles that I travel. I keep a book in the glove compartment of both of my vehicles so that its accessible for me to document my mileage. I added an envelope along with it to keep my parking tickets handy. This comes in hand for tax purposes at the end of the year.
4. Decorative Notebook – A notebook that’s small enough to fit inside my purse or camera bag is ideal for me to carry along with me to events or when I am traveling. I love having a notebook handy in case I need to jot down details from an event, information from a conference or even to jot down future blog post ideas. The fact that I love journals is probably another reason why I have so many and keep them everywhere. You can find them at your local discount or craft stores.
What are some of your Social Media Must Have?