"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

Justice League Battle For Metropolis 4D Opens At Six Flags Over Georgia

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

It’s Justice League! Today the kids & I attended a private VIP & Media Preview Day of the newest addition to Six Flags Over Georgia, Justice League Battle For Metropolis 4D ride. Just imagine arriving to Six Flags and upon arrival your selected for either Team Wonder Woman, Superman or the Joker. As we checked in we selected our alter ego superhero or villain for the day. You can take one guess who I chose…Wonder Woman! My 10-year-old was Superman and my 14-year-old was the Joker of course. Hey someone has to play the villain!

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

We were whisked away in the Justice League private jet that landed right in the middle of Metropolis. How awesome is that? Upon arrival we joined fellow superheroes and villains who all patiently anticipated the moment when the Justice League would make their grand entrance before cutting the ribbon on Six Flags Over Georgia’s newest ride. I’m still trying to figure out how they were able to pull all the superheroes away from saving the world in order for them all to be in one place but I guess Six Flags has the plug!

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

Let the games begin! As soon as you walk through the doors of Metropolis your greeted with the most epic statues of Super Man, Batman, Flash and Wonder Women.

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

We were so excited to be among the first one the first to ride. This was by far one of the most interactive rides that the kids and I have ever experienced. The moment that you grab your 4D Glasses your in for an experience and as the ride starts you are in immediate battle with villains. It was freaking amazing! I highly suggest you running to Six Flags Over Georgia to experience being apart of the Justice League!

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

Did I mention that Mario finally met his favorite Super Hero Flash? We’ll it happened!

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

BJ had a run in during lunch with both Superman and Batman. They wanted to know why did he sell out the Super Heroes LOL! I’m just glad that they let him go and didn’t capture him and toss him in jail.

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"

But who’s going to save me from the Joker?

"Six Flags Over Georgia" "Justice League" "Metropolis" "Batman" "Superman" "Wonder Woman" "Joker" "Naturalbabydol" "Amusement Park"