

Hey! Hey! So I know that readers of blogs are so use to reading about the amazing trips that we take, receiving the latest products before the initial launch dates and all of the amazing things that happen to us. Today I’m sharing the opposite of that with you. The forgetful mom and entrepreneur side. The emotionally and physically drained side that rarely shows her face. 

My garbage pick up in the county where I own my home is scheduled for a Monday pickup. Cool right? Definitely cool I guess. My son who’s chore is to roll it out to the curb on Sunday evening for Monday morning. Check! That was done! On Monday I go about my normal day of getting the kids off, following my daily schedule while answering emails and chatting with a client. It’s suddenly time for my outing time according to my schedule (I will share my routine in another blog later) and as I am leaving I notice that the other garbage cans have been emptied and are still waiting to be pulled up to the house by their owners but WHERE IS MY GARBAGE CAN?


I’m thinking to myself like where is it? Did the trash company slide it to someone else’s house? I’m on a schedule which I try not to deviate from so I went on about my day to run errands. Upon my return about an hour later it dawned on me that perhaps my garbage can was repossessed well I guess technically it would simply be taken by the garbage company because perhaps I had forgotten to pay the last quarterly bill. Hmmm. Yes perhaps that’s what happened.

I called them to do a welfare check LOL on my garbage can and the nice lady on the other end said Ms. McIvy we didn’t receive your quarterly payment. My immediate reaction was embarrassment but then it just turned to laughter. You see for the past three months I’ve been getting up at 4:30AM Monday through Friday to ensure that my son who is in high school on both the JROTC Drill and Rifle team makes it to school by 5:15AM for practice, getting my middle schooler off to school, cleaning, cooking, writing two books, working with clients, pitching for my blog, serving in ministry, creating content and trying to have a normal life. The truth is entrepreneurs don’t have normal lives. Our business hours are not normal. Hell our minds are not normal. For me as a single mom I’m wearing so many hats that I am bound to let something slip past me and it just happened to be my freaking garbage bill. 

That was yesterday and guess what? He’s back today. I just woke from a nap and saw him waiting on me at the end of my curb. The bright side is that they brought me a new one because I had the other one for years. Reunited once again and it feels so good! I’m sure when some people read this they will formulate their own opinions but hey this is my life, my authentic story and it was so funny. All I could do was laugh because at least it was my garbage can. When you think about it how often does this happen? It happened to me. I guess I will add this to my list of NEVER EVER HAVE I HAD……..

Garbage Can