** I am a Niche Parent Network & Conference Influencer. Thanks to Hairfinity for sponsoring today’s post.**
I can recall as a little girl wearing my natural hair and both my mother and grandmother always playing an integral role in my life ensuring that I knew that wearing my natural hair was a natural part of my existence, a part of my culture. It was an expression of my mere existence. I was Free To Be Me! I can remember running around the yard with my bouncy afro, wind in my hair as I played with the neighborhood kids and not having a care in the world or worrying about shrinkage. On special occasions my mother would go out in her flower garden and pick a handful of flowers and place them in my hair to make a cute Chic style, little did I know that these habits as a child would set the stage for my natural hair boldness and style as an adult.
As an adult I have discovered that my natural hair style has a host of different identities. In fact she has a style of her own and it is all contingent on what social event is happening, tropical island that we’re visiting or our mood. For example, when I am heading home to Jamaica or presenting an award in London, I often opt for a simple tree braid protective style.
Tree braids are perfect for working out, a night on the town with your favorite natural hair vlogger or just hanging out with the family. They can be worn down, pinned up, swayed to the side or even up in a high bun. The versatility of the tree braids are endless. In fact this is one of my favorite go to protective styles.
You may even spot me in the rain with a huge twist out and in pink tutu doing yoga! Who knows! My style is ever-changing! I create my own style!
I have those days in the Spring and Summer when it’s just so hot and all I want to do with my hair is jump in the shower and go. This is when a wash and go is perfect. Here’s how you achieve the perfect wash and go:
- Co-Wash your hair (Wash hair with Conditioner Only)
- Detangle
- Rinse
- Add a little gel or your favorite curling product
- Shake your head. Shake, Shake, Shake
- Add a Goody Band for Puff, Flower for décor or wear it as is and GO!
Sometimes I get in my feelings and I want to change-up my hair and I want a different type of protective style. This style will be something a bit Chic yet Classy. Lets just say I want to dress up like Princess Tiana so I will wear my signature Elegant Faux Bun.
My natural hair style is forever changing and that’s what makes it unique to me. I believe that everyone no matter what decision they make when it comes to wearing their hair rather its natural, relaxed, curly, kinky, locked or wild all have their own unique bold style and we are all Free To Be Ourselves and have our own unique styles. The Kardashians are a great example! Each one of them all have their own different yet unique style.
You’re all invited to join the fun at an amazing Twitter Party on April 26, 2015 10:00-11:00 EST! Use Hash Tag #HairfinityStyle! See you on Sunday!
What’s your Hairfinity Style?