Lifestyle, Travel



On yesterday December 16 I had the pleasure of being invited out along with my two younger sons ages 10 & 7 to attend Twentieth Fox Home Entertainment Celebration of the December 17th Blu-ray/DVD release of Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters with a charity event to support Project Linus at the Georgia Aquarium here in Atlanta. The Charity event consisted of volunteers from UPS, Mommy & Lifestyle Bloggers and their kids. The night began with a red carpet event that included photos and interviews. Shortly thereafter we all proceeded to the Arctic Ballroom where we began the nights festivities by making handmade fleece blankets. The fleece blankets that we made were inspired by the Golden Fleece in the film. Fox has partnered with Project Linus to bring family and friends together to make over 200 handmade fleece blankets for Project Linus’ 15th Annual National Make A Blanket Day which will be held on February 15, 2014.  Up to 200 handmade fleece blankets will be created for children in need as part of Fox’s commitment to donate 1,000 handmade fleece blankets. In conjunction Atlanta-based UPS also served as a partner to last nights event.


UPS is proud to kick off its annual Peak Week, its busiest week of the year, by giving back to its hometown Atlanta. On Dec. 17, Peak Day for UPS and release date of Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters on Blu-ray and DVD, UPS expects to deliver 29 million packages globally equaling more than 300 packages a second. UPS volunteered to ship the handmade fleece blankets to Project Linus through The UPS Store, which is ready to help customers throughout the holidays with hassle-free logistics and any shipping needs. UPS’s support of the Project Linus charity event aligns with its goals of delivering more than boxes during the holidays but rather delivering emotional connections and allowing customers to focus on the things that matter most.

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The magical, mythical adventures of teenager Percy Jackson – son of the Greek God Poseidon continue in this heroic, action packed thrill ride! Out to prove he’s not just a “one-guest wonder”, Percy and hos demigod friends embark on an epic. cross-country journey into the treacherous Sea Monsters, where they battle terrifying creatures, an army of zombies, and the ultimate evil. With time running out, Percy must find and bring home the fabled Golden Fleece, which has the power to save the world…and save us all!

I remember when Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters had its opening night at the movies. The week following the opening night my sons secretly made plans on how they would convince me to take them to see the movie on opening night but little did they know that I had already purchased our tickets in advance so that we would be amongst the first to see Percy Jackson’s newest adventure. I am a single mother of three sons ages 17, 10 & 7. I find that I am at the movies seeing more kid movies than adult ones. I will have to admit I think that I was probably more excited to see Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters more than my two younger sons. I was one of those students in school that could not wait until we cover Greek Methodology.

The Project Linus event in my opinion was the perfect event for the release of Percy Jackson’s: Sea of Monsters. The evening was spent with the kids enjoying the movie, great food and communication and an opportunity for my family to give back to others. I believe the highlight of the evening was when my two sons had the opportunity to meet Cashmere (Stephanie Leigh Schlund) from Hunger Games! If you could have seen the excitement in their eyes and the eagerness in their voice. The moment was priceless and as a mother that’s the best feeling in the world. I wasn’t sure if after a fantastic evening anything could top the eventful evening but when the boys asked to see what was in the swag bag they discovered that they had their very own Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters DVD.  Below you will find official pictures from the event.

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Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment and UPS celebrate the December 17th Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD(TM) release of Percy Jackson: Sea of  Monsters with an exclusive charity event to support Project Linus at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta on Monday, December 16th. Inspired by the Golden Fleece in the film, event goers made  handmade fleece blankets for kids in need to kick off Project Linus’  annual National Make a Blanket Day on February 15th.

I was blessed to have the opportunity as a blogger to be apart of such a wonderful event and I look forward to helping make fleece blankets in the future with Project Linus. I would like to thank Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, UPS and Project Linus for allowing the bloggers to come together for a great cause.


I would love to hear your thoughts!