Lifestyle, Motivation, Reviews

Christian Novel: Seeing Green Review & Giveaway


I received a PR sample for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


We live in a world where its taboo to celebrate one another wins but acceptable to be green with envy when one of our fellow friends are successful. I had the opportunity to read Seeing Green by Tilly Dillehay. The subtitle of the book “Don’t Let Envy Color Your Joy” spoke volumes to my soul. I’m adding it to my favorites list for non-fiction christian  Although I don’t see myself as an envious person after all I strive to celebrate every win of both myself and others no matter how small or large.  I learned while reading this book that sometimes your thoughts that wander on certain topics or people can be envious. 

Seeing Green

Upon reading the book I immediately became intrigued by the personal stories that were shared throughout the pages.

This non-fiction read is all about the green-eyed monster, Envy. Tilly shares her experiences with envy in an extremely relatable way. Prior to reading this book I hadn’t really thought all that much about envy. I just figured it was something that everyone struggled with and it was one of those inevitable human flaws that we all deal with in our lives. Tilly Dillehay has creatively combined her personal experiences along with scriptural lessons to assist the readers in tools to getting to the cause of their envious feelings by using different techniques and stories for each unique scenario.

Tilly Dillehay unique writing in a style showcases a scenario of a very close friend having a heart-to-heart with another friend. She writes the book in my opinion as a girlfriend having an intimate best friend conversation with a fellow friend. I can appreciate that she’s very transparent with her own emotions and struggles. Her life lessons afford her readers the opportunity to feel vulnerable and encourages that it’s perfectly healthy to have these emotions.

Seeing Green

If I had to pull on chapter that really touched my heart was Borrowed Art: The Envy of Creativity. It starts by stating that all the person ever wanted to do was sing to God. The book goes on to tell its readers Three Things We Know About Art from Scriptures. We must saturate our minds in Scripture in order to keep our eyes open to the spiritual nature of what we’re doing in the creative world.

  1. God Is The Original ArtistGod created everything!
  2. God Commissions ArtEven with the knowledge that our art is borrowed glory, we can know that God smiles on the endeavor. He is a supporter if the arts.
  3. God Gives the “Talents,” but We Are Responsible for How We Use Them

The book was so amazing and truly blessed my life. I have read many books and this one has definitely earned a place in my inspirational and motivational book selections. I highly recommend this book for anyone that may have remotely felt a small smidgen of envy. 

Use CODE: SEEINGGREEN25 – for 25% off Seeing Green, from August 20 – September 30, 2018. It can be purchased here


Seeing Green




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