Fashion & Beauty

3 Easy Steps To Shop Your Closet

3 Simple Ways to Re-Style Old Pieces

Shop your closet, is the perfect way to Find Your Style, Save You Money, and finally end the “I have nothing to wear” mornings drama.

Shop your Closet: Step One

The first step is to organize your closet. This step allows you to take a moment to truly see what you have on hand. You might even find a top that you forgot you had. It happens a lot when you purchase items and toss them in the back of your closet and forget about them. Hey! If your like me then you’ll even find pieces with the tags still attached. Trust me it happens more often than usual. 

Now, that you have taken inventory of what you have its time to start organizing. There are a few ways to organize your closet by: color, season, or occasion. Personally, I like organizing by season because I have a small closet. So, in the winter, my summer clothes are put away in storage tubs to give me optimal space for my collection of sweaters.

In order to effectively shop your closet, remember to not throw anything away. You’re not purging your closet in the first step. You are simply organizing it. A part of shopping your closet involves giving new life to pieces that you thought you didn’t like.

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Shop Your Closet: Second Step

Once you closet is organized, the hard part is over! This second step is the fun part. Go online or grab a magazine to get some inspiration. Write down what you like about the look then grab a sticky note to jot down your inspirational pic info. After you have gathered about 20 images, its time to shop your closet.

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Pick out similar pieces from your closet and style them according to your notes.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Make a crop top from a button-up by leaving the buttons unbuttoned and tying up the ends.
  2. Wrap or tie a scarf around the handles of an old handbag to give it a Chic Parisian makeover.
  3. Mix work wear with casual wear for an effortless street style look. Take a cool graphic tee or sweatshirt and pair it with trousers and heels for a polished yet casual outfit.


Shop Your Closet: Third Step

The third and final step is to purge unwanted pieces from your closet. If you didn’t wear or didn’t feel good wearing a piece then it’s definitely time to let it go. When a new season is upon us, its time to start the process from step one. Shop your closet every season. In a year’s time, you’ll have a better idea of what you’re drawn to and you’ll have a closet of clothes that you’re happy to wear. It’s a Win-Win Situation.

"Shop Your Closet" "Shop" "Closet" "Naturalbabydol" "Fashion" "Spring" "Summer" "Fall" "Winter"

When you’re having fun with your closet, getting ready in the morning won’t feel like a chore. Plus, you’ll be saving money season after season because you’re shopping less. When you feel good in the clothes you wear, you feel invincible.


“Clothes aren’t going to change the world. The women who wear them will.”

-Anne Klein