

Hello Dolls & Dudes! The previous week has been super stressful. I have been running around town like a chicken without a head in Travel Panic Mode! I know what your thinking…this chick travels entirely too much to panic. We’ll my panicking is from me having to prepare both my eleven year old and myself for our upcoming trips on this week. Why am I panicking? Because my son is traveling with his middle school to go camping in the mountains while I will be traveling to San Antonio for Blogalicious.

In my defense I am use to traveling with my kids or allowing them to either travel with their father or grandfather. I think what is freaking me out is that I will be in Texas and he will be heading to Wahsega 4-H Center which is located in Dahlonega, GA. I am excited for his adventure but as a mother yes I am in panic mode. I have to come to grips that my middle son is growing up and of course he is excited about this adventure. Did I mention that he will be away for three days? I’m happy that last week has finally come to an end and the new week brings new challenges and adventures for both my son and I. Today I will tackle the packing process which I will share with you on the blog later today. I have created a unique system that I believe will be a saving grace for myself and other mothers. Stay tuned as I share my tips today on the blog.

Have you ever gone into panic mode when your little ones travel without you?

~Turkesha McIvy

1 Comment

  1. […] Travel Tuesday! Today’s post is a continuation of my Travel Panic Mode post. Click here to read my previous post.  We are exactly 48 hours from the moment when I will take my 11-year old […]

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