
Travel Tuesday: London’s Newest Harry Potter Theme Rooms

Image Credit: Warner Brothers/courtesy Everett Collection
Image Credit: Warner Brothers/courtesy Everett Collection

Thanksgiving is slowly creeping upon us and this is the start of that time of year when families start taking road trips to visit their family members for Thanksgiving. We’ll for many like myself sometimes us travelers like to think outside of the box and get real creative with how we will spend our Holidays with our little ones. If you’re anything like me than you already know that just about anything goes during this time of year. I can think of a ton of places that we could list to visit across the globe but this particular post is geared toward one new kid-friendly destination in particular. The Gregorian House hotel locates in London has just recently showcased their Hogwarts sleeping quarters, which are complete with four-poster beds, cauldrons , potions and “unexpected wizardly details that are sure to be a treat for your little Harry Potter fanatics.

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The Harry Potter room package starts around £249.00 which is about $400 USD for a one night stay with two people. There is also a second option that offers a two-day, one night stay in the Wizard Chambers, which also includes an amazing Muggle tour of The Making Potter tour and cost £363 or a bit over $580. I can only imagine that for the families that live in London the Harry Potter theme rooms are sure to be on their list of adventures during the holiday seasons. I’m sure that everyone wants to be the first to stay at this amazing hotel.  Needless to say that my kids are excited that their passports have arrived and all that’s left is to plan our trip to London for our Harry Potter Adventure. We are planning to stay there in the Summer of 2015.

~Turkesha McIvy



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