I wasn’t going to address this meme floating around but since so many that know the truth are sharing it here’s my statement on 1 of 9 BRANDS THAT OUR FAMILY BUSINESS CREATED, OWNED, DISTRIBUTED AND MARKETED‼️
My amazing Father sold this company over 5 years ago. We didn’t make a statement because we were under a contract. I understand that y’all are mad because we sold but guess what? That doesn’t mean that we NEVER built a #legacy! Even when we had the brands y’all still brought hair care products from companies that were NOT BLACK OWNED! When my Father tried to sell it to a Black Owned Company no one gave an offer so YES we sold to a NON- BLACK COMPANY. I come from a lineage of NATURAL CREATORS & CREATIVES so you see this craziness floating around hits a nerve. The TRUTH is this BRAND was CREATED & OWNED by a Black Man/Black Owner.
Secondly my Fathers blood, sweat, tears and determination has paved the way for Black Owned Hair Care Brands to be in distribution and Big Box Retail so before you spread the hate….pay homage to those who sacrificed for so many companies today.
I’m extremely proud of my Father, his legacy and the path that he made for the masses to have the opportunities that so many have today. It’s imperative to Always FACT CHECK your information!
Turkesha Jackson- McIvy