
Our Adventure at Rock City Atop Lockout Mountain

On this past Saturday the kids and I woke up and decided to go on an adventure. We set out on a two hour road trip to Rock City at Lockout Mountain, GA which is located right outside of Tennessee. The ride in the car was smooth and we pasted time with games and conversations about where we should travel to next for another adventure. Upon arrival to Rock City we did not know exactly what to expect but once we walked through the entry we were wowed and amazed at the view. What we found most interesting was the coolness in the air when we first started out on the trail.

The tour of Rock City begins with Garden’s Gateway on the far side of the Rock City gift shop. This Grand Corridor is an amazing introduction to the rigors of walking in Rock City. The trails are beautifully laid out and very easy to follow and in the event there are alternative routes available for anyone that may become restless or unable to complete the trail. The rock formations along the beginning of the trail are simply astonishing and will have your family in awe at its beauty.

Once you arrive at Needle’s Eye the trail begins to narrow and we found ourselves walking sideways until we entered a wider opening in Deer Park. I would suggest if you have a backpack to move it to the front of you for more accessibility. As we traveled along the trail and stopped to take pictures we soon found ourselves at Goblins Underpass where you are sure to spot many things. Just wait to you visit to discover the wonders. The trail then leads you to Legacy Lane.

Rock City, Tennessee Rock City, Tennessee

The kids and I decided to live a little and take the Swing along Bridge, a solidly built swinging bridge that gives an amazing view of the Tennessee River Valley. The bridge at first glance of the pictures online had us a bit nervous but once we say it for ourselves we decided to take a chance and cross it. Our journey across the Swing along Bridge was going great until someone started jumping and it gave us a shake but we survived and made it across. In the event you don’t want to take this bridge there is a Stone Bridge that can be taken to cross. The bridge leads to Seven States Plaza.

Rock City, Tennessee Rock City, Tennessee Rock City, Tennessee

Once you cross the bridge you will be awed with the Seven States Plaza, featuring one the best scenic views. Here you will see the Seven States marker showing the approximate directions of the states. A recent addition the Seven States Flag Court has additional scenic views backed by the flags of each of the seven states.

Rock City, Tennessee Rock City, Tennessee  Rock City, Tennessee

Rock City, Tennessee 038

The kids were amazed at the 1000-ton Balanced Rock which is also the final natural attraction in Rock City. The kids each pretended to hold up the rock. The final sites on the trail are Fairyland Cavern and Mother Goose Village which are both a treat. The kids and I had a great time on our road trip and plan on visiting again soon.

Rock City, Tennessee Rock City, Tennessee Rock City, Tennessee Rock City, Tennessee

Until next time….Safe travels!


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