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Are You A Tough Girl In A Tiara? I Am!

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of speaking with the CEO, Margo Schlossberg of Warrior Princess Clothing Co. (WPCC). The WPCC is a new brand on the scene making amazing strides in the fitness arena. I am sure that by now all of my readers know that pink is my favorite color and that’s one of the key components that stuck out to me with one of their signature shirts, known as their pink and green tiara moon cut tee. I have never really been a fan of the cut shirts perhaps because all of the ones that I have seen have all looked a mess but to my surprise when the CEO sent me one to try I instantly fell in love. My Tough Girl In A Tiara Moon Cut Tee was a perfect fit and since the weather was perfect why not practice my yoga on my deck or even in the park and show the world my toughness!
Tough Girl In A Tiara
Tough Girl In A Tiara
Tough Girl In A Tiara
The kids had a great time playing on the park while I ran a few laps on the track, working out and getting in a few yoga poses on such a beautiful day. My shirt of course played a major role because I felt like a strong princess and you all know how much I love dressing up like a princess even in my adult life!
Once I wore my shirt I felt a sense of empowerment so I decided to reach out to Margo because I became curious as to what made her come up with her brand strategy. I wanted to know what type of experience had she had that led to her creating such a unique brand. She told me proudly, “When I was a young girl I remember that I loved to play with bugs and to play princess. My life seems to have always been full of dichotomy. The barefoot girl with the disheveled hair picking up crickets, and the one who wore her tiara and ran around the house in a pink gauzy dress”.
“I am thrilled to see the rise of female athletes and yet, I still feel that perhaps society is trying to digest the woman who like myself, loves both fashion and mixed martial arts. Can we be both tough and feminine? Yes, of course we can. A tough girl does not necessarily need to fight in the ring, but she needs to be tough in spirit and mind and to believe that she can reach her personal goals no matter what obstacles life throws into her race”.
The warrior princess clothing line is about just that. It is about being pretty and strong at the same time. Whether your strength comes from athletics or elsewhere is unimportant. It is about the woman who isn’t afraid to move mountains in a pink dress. She is a female Hercules in high heels. She is the tough girl in a tiara.”
I found her message both empowering and inspiring. Although I am the mother of three sons I am also an aunt to one niece who definitely fits into this world. I want Samaria and every other little girl to know that she doesn’t have to be afraid of being apart of both worlds because she can be both athletic and prissy. She’s A Tough Girl In A Tiara just like her auntie.
Warrior Princess Clothing Co. also carries the cutest underwear, work out tights, shorts , baby onesies and more. Be sure to check out all of their items and join me and Become A Tough Girl In A Tiara!
Tough Girl In A Tiara

I would love to hear your thoughts!