Hello Yoga Gurus! It’s week two and guess what? I made it through another week and Lord knows that my legs, tail bone and back are sore. I must say that I feel great although I am a bit sore bit not as sore as I was the first week. Perhaps that’s the result of me being foolish and playing catch up in a few days. Its been a week since I have written a blog post and that’s because I have been focusing on building my business and making sure that I get in to see my doctor to get checked for these horrible migraines that I have started having once again. I was shocked when the nurse asked me to step on the scale and she told me that I weighed 147 pounds. I know that may seem like nothing to many reading this post but to me that’s a hell of a lot in my book. I try my best to stay fit but these dam thighs and my stomach are getting a bit big. Hence I am glad that decided to take on this yoga challenge and rediscover my love for yoga. I can already see my progress and although I still have a super long way to go I welcome the challenge.
Here are my week two poses:
Day 9: #LetsGetFlexyIn2015 Kurmasana #TortoisePose
“Your vision becomes clear when you look inside your heart. Who looks outside, dreams Who looks inside, awakens.”~Carl Gustav Jung
Day 10: Inverted Staff Pose / Viparita Dandasana
“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”
~Harriet Beecher Stowe
Day 11: Warrior Pose/Digasana. This pose is all about endurance
“With faith and obedience practiced long enough, the Holy Ghost becomes a constant companion, our nature’s change, and endurance becomes certain.”
~Henry B. Eyring
Day 12: Hanumanasana/Split. This is as far as this natural diva was going to get. My legs are super sore!
Excuse the game cords in the back. Momma was playing the #xboxone
― Brenna Yovanoff

~Maxwell Maltz

~Gail Devers