I DID IT! I made it through the first thirty days and it feels so good. I’m not even sure if words can even express how amazing I feel. How proud I am of myself. Many times people assume because your small that you’re in shape and that is truly not the case. The first two weeks of this challenge wore the heck out of me. My legs were so sore I thought that they were spaghetti and as the days passed they slowly regained feeling. This past challenge was great for my entire family as I am sure you noticed in a few pictures that the kids were involved. The pictures that did show them were the ones where they were serving as my photography crew because hey lets face it we are a team.
If you have been following my #LetsGetFlexyIn2015 Yoga Journey on Instagram or Facebook then you have noticed that I included the pose names so that in the event you were interested you could just go back and look them up and give them a try. In March I will be taking on three different yoga challenges so you will notice that my social media feed will change slightly with an addition of yoga poses along with the normal trending things that I like to post. I would like to thank everyone for their support and amazing comments during this journey and always remember that you can do whatever you want and be whomever you want to be. DREAM BIG!

I made it! This Challenge has come to an end and it was so much fun! I met some amazing yogi’s. I’m looking forward to what the upcoming months will bring during my journey. You can continue to follow my journey on Instagram. I will post updates daily.