Letting Go


Hey Love Muffins! Today’s post is another transparent post in fact it’s basically me dictating my best friends feeling as I sit here and write this post. When is it time to LET GO? When do you recognize that AH HA moment and release all ties to a person? Is the person worth putting your life on hold? These are probing questions that my friend posed to a guy friend of hers.

You see last night at around this exact time my best friend decided that she had enough! Listen ladies when a person wears out their welcome its definitely time for them to go. So here I am stuck with writing this post on her behalf because well she wanted me to and what else would a best friend do?


So why is it so hard for these jokers to accept when you’ve had enough of them and waiting. Like seriously dude is it taking you that long to make a decision?


Hey let me give you a little nudge or a bug push. IT’S OVER! Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth. Let me spell it out IT’S OVER!!!


In a nut shell she ended her relationship. Was it a mistake? She says HELL NO! When you say that you LOVE someone and intend on being with them and there for them you don’t allow anything to get in your way. You make that ISH HAPPEN! UNDERSTOOD! So back to the question at hand. Why is it so hard for a guy to accept when a woman is fed up or done but they feel that its acceptable for a woman to deal with it. Needless to say after allowing what she said to marinate for over 12 hours he’s second guessing his actions. My daddy always says watch a persons actions. 

Letting Go

I guess he’ll learn because one mans lost is another mans gain