Packing is the pits

Travel Thursday: Help! Packing For This Trip Was The Pits

Good Morning Everyone!

As many of you know I was just on a short road trip this past week and now I am off on yet another road trip to Niche Parent. I am super tired but the show must go on! Normally I would have already had everything laid out and ready to be packed but this time that was not the case. Packing this trip was the pits! I had to get the kid’s school clothes ironed and prepared for the remainder of the week, finish up post for campaigns, grocery shop because I live in a house full of boys and they can eat and tie up some loose ends for my social media business. Yes that is a lot! Then late last night I decided that I needed to rearrange my suitcase and re-pack. Why? Who in the heck knows. So basically this has probably been the worst packing experience in the history of me traveling.

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Photo Credit:

Just when I thought that I had it down to a few bags my shoes insisted that they needed their very own bag. You see sometimes they dominate my trip in fact that seems to be the case all of the time. I had to give in and allow them to have their way. My clothes were no different. All in all I either packed too much or not enough in any case I don’t want to have to head to any stores for purchases. As I write this post I am staring at all of my luggage that is sitting patiently near the stairs to be loaded in the car for our road trip. Well it looks like shoes and clothes won this battle but I think once I get to Disney I will forget all about my packing issues. Until next time. Smooches!

I would love to hear your thoughts!