Health & Fitness

My Yoga Journey!!

Happy May! Where did the time go?

May is here and April ended with a bang! It was an amazing month for me and my yoga journey. I am so happy that I decided to take the leap and get back into yoga again. I can already see amazing results in my journey. I love the fact that with yoga its a personal experience and there is absolutely no competition with anyone just an opportunity to grow within yourself. As the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months I slowly see a metamorphosis of a new young woman making her way out and I am proud of the woman who I have become. The yoga  process has taught me to stop and smell the roses, kick off my shoes and dance in the rain. Why Not? You only live once!





I’ve found myself working out more and harder than ever before with the goal of maintaining a healthier and toned body. My kids are my biggest support system. They can often be seen in many of my pictures or working out in the background I one of my videos. We have even committed as a family to eat healthier and are starting an above the ground garden. You can follow our journey here. I have truly enjoyed the jumpstart that the Instagram Yoga challenges have provided and the new friendships that I have made with fellow yogis.





My kids have been taking gymnastics and Kuk Sool for years and they too have found a love for yoga. I have seen a major change in my demeanor and the manner in which I now handle situations and I see situations in a whole new light. I guess one can say I have a new calmness about myself and I must say that I love it! You can continue to follow my journey on Instagram!  ~Namaste



I would love to hear your thoughts!