Tag: Natural Girls Do Yoga
Health & Fitness
This year thus far has been simply amazing! I started practicing yoga again in February after taking a 10-year break. In those 10-years I was married, had kids, graduated college, divorced, graduated grad school and so on. You get the idea! Life basically happened. I can recall the thought of practicing yoga seemed almost impossible but I am always up …
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Health & Fitness
Happy May! Where did the time go? May is here and April ended with a bang! It was an amazing month for me and my yoga journey. I am so happy that I decided to take the leap and get back into yoga again. I can already see amazing results in my journey. I love the fact that with yoga its a personal experience and there …
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Health & Fitness
Oh Day Two of my month two yoga journey was a breeze! We’ll not really! Let’s keep in mind that I made the decision to take on three yoga challenges which means more stretching and more demanding poses. On this day I found that the #FlexiandFitpose for today’s challenge was the easiest one of the day. The Pasdmasana or Lotus Pose (Fish Pose) …
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Health & Fitness
Happy Day Everyone! It’s finally March and I have decided to take on three different challenges. Yes you heard me correctly! I was so inspired from last month I want to push myself a bit more. I am joining thousands of fellow yogis on Instagram and we are all taking on several challenges together in fact some are taking on …
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