
Marvel Live Is A Must See!!

On last week the boys and I along with my nephew who is visiting for Christmas break all had the opportunity to go and see Marvel Live. As a mother of all boys I am use to going to boy movies and events so of course I had no idea what to expect when we were heading to the show. …

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Marvel Live Is Coming To Atlanta

Atlanta! Are you ready for Marvel Live? I can assure you that my kids are so excited to have the opportunity to attend this year. There will be two shows which is really cool. You have the option of Philips Arena or The Arena at Gwinnett Center. Marvel fans, assemble! Marvel Universe LIVE! is taking the live entertainment experience to …

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Grumpy Cat's Worst ChristmasFamily

Grumpy Cat’s #WorstChristmasEver

Last week my kids insisted on scheduling Grumpy Cats Worst Christmas Ever to record just incase they just happened to miss the premiere. Let’s start by saying that I was a little hesitant about watching a movie plot surrounding a grumpy cat. Hmm! The mere title had me a bit surprised but hey my kids were excited so being the mother …

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